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Tokavuh Stream Control Torrent Download [Patch]


Updated: Mar 27, 2020

About This Software Have you always wanted an easy way to control your stream without complicated keyboard shortcuts? Easily change scenes, hide sources, and mute your mic when sneezing? Go from regular cross fades into full-scene animations? Have a nice sound board to enhance your commentary? Then this product is for you!Tokavuh Stream Control allows you to connect your mobile device to OBS Studio or Streamlabs OBS and control it as well as provide some missing functionality. Start and stop streaming, display death counters, animate items on screen, animated full scene switches, sound board, run applications, and much more! It's all available at your fingertips with no extra hardware, no waiting for delivery, with limitless upgrade possibility in the future.Install Stream Control on your gaming PC and connect almost any mobile device with a browser to it for total control. No wires, no hassle, no extra installations. You can create your own functionalities by building up from the blocks provided in the application. Supports dual PC configuration and unlimited amount of buttons and folders!If you happen to like keyboard shortcuts but want more functionality than the basic applications provide, we support those also.Future plansSupport for other streaming applications, more functionality, easier animations, everything the community feels would help them to provide a professional streaming experience.For Android devices you can install Tokavuh Stream Control in Google Play Store or use the web view available within the application. iOS application available from TestFlight at that obs-websocket must be installed for the connection to OBS Studio to work! Get it at Streamlabs OBS does not require this part. 7aa9394dea Title: Tokavuh Stream ControlGenre: Utilities, Video Production, Early AccessDeveloper:Tokavuh Technologies oyPublisher:Tokavuh Technologies oyRelease Date: 24 Apr, 2018 Tokavuh Stream Control Torrent Download [Patch] tokavuh stream control. tokavuh stream control It is a bit expensive for what it is, but it is still in development. That being said, if you want the best looking and most configurable stream remote you can get on a mobile device and are willing to pay for it, look no further. It can even do basic controls for streamlabs and Twitch, besides full controls for OBS and system commands. How you set it up is almost completely open ended, which is good.. It is a bit expensive for what it is, but it is still in development. That being said, if you want the best looking and most configurable stream remote you can get on a mobile device and are willing to pay for it, look no further. It can even do basic controls for streamlabs and Twitch, besides full controls for OBS and system commands. How you set it up is almost completely open ended, which is good.. It is a bit expensive for what it is, but it is still in development. That being said, if you want the best looking and most configurable stream remote you can get on a mobile device and are willing to pay for it, look no further. It can even do basic controls for streamlabs and Twitch, besides full controls for OBS and system commands. How you set it up is almost completely open ended, which is good.. This is an amazing piece of software, hands down. Not only can it be sed for streaming at can also be used for gaming (Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous etc.). I haven't used this for gaming so I'll be reviewing it from a streamers perspective.This has made my life so much better. Once I set up what I needed for my stream everything was just a button press away. The cherry on the cake is the live animations that this program offers which work beautifully. The seamlesss intergrations with OBS and Twitch make stream control and comunication a breeze.PROS: - Cheap - Massive functionality - Intergrations - Animation capabilities - Android and iOS app (free) with multiple device support - Lightweight - Information richCONS: - No autosave feature (so far) - There is a learning curve to this program - Takes time to set up what you wantI would like to touch on the CONS quickly. When I say learning curve what I mean is that you just need to get used to the program, it's a little rough aroung the edges but it is a powerhouse tools and ease-of-life functionality. I highly reccommend this to serious streamers, it is worth every cent.I hope to see this program grow even bigger and better. This is an amazing piece of software, hands down. Not only can it be sed for streaming at can also be used for gaming (Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous etc.). I haven't used this for gaming so I'll be reviewing it from a streamers perspective.This has made my life so much better. Once I set up what I needed for my stream everything was just a button press away. The cherry on the cake is the live animations that this program offers which work beautifully. The seamlesss intergrations with OBS and Twitch make stream control and comunication a breeze.PROS: - Cheap - Massive functionality - Intergrations - Animation capabilities - Android and iOS app (free) with multiple device support - Lightweight - Information richCONS: - No autosave feature (so far) - There is a learning curve to this program - Takes time to set up what you wantI would like to touch on the CONS quickly. When I say learning curve what I mean is that you just need to get used to the program, it's a little rough aroung the edges but it is a powerhouse tools and ease-of-life functionality. I highly reccommend this to serious streamers, it is worth every cent.I hope to see this program grow even bigger and better. This is an amazing piece of software, hands down. Not only can it be sed for streaming at can also be used for gaming (Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous etc.). I haven't used this for gaming so I'll be reviewing it from a streamers perspective.This has made my life so much better. Once I set up what I needed for my stream everything was just a button press away. The cherry on the cake is the live animations that this program offers which work beautifully. The seamlesss intergrations with OBS and Twitch make stream control and comunication a breeze.PROS: - Cheap - Massive functionality - Intergrations - Animation capabilities - Android and iOS app (free) with multiple device support - Lightweight - Information richCONS: - No autosave feature (so far) - There is a learning curve to this program - Takes time to set up what you wantI would like to touch on the CONS quickly. When I say learning curve what I mean is that you just need to get used to the program, it's a little rough aroung the edges but it is a powerhouse tools and ease-of-life functionality. I highly reccommend this to serious streamers, it is worth every cent.I hope to see this program grow even bigger and better. This is an amazing piece of software, hands down. Not only can it be sed for streaming at can also be used for gaming (Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous etc.). I haven't used this for gaming so I'll be reviewing it from a streamers perspective.This has made my life so much better. Once I set up what I needed for my stream everything was just a button press away. The cherry on the cake is the live animations that this program offers which work beautifully. The seamlesss intergrations with OBS and Twitch make stream control and comunication a breeze.PROS: - Cheap - Massive functionality - Intergrations - Animation capabilities - Android and iOS app (free) with multiple device support - Lightweight - Information richCONS: - No autosave feature (so far) - There is a learning curve to this program - Takes time to set up what you wantI would like to touch on the CONS quickly. When I say learning curve what I mean is that you just need to get used to the program, it's a little rough aroung the edges but it is a powerhouse tools and ease-of-life functionality. I highly reccommend this to serious streamers, it is worth every cent.I hope to see this program grow even bigger and better. It is a bit expensive for what it is, but it is still in development. That being said, if you want the best looking and most configurable stream remote you can get on a mobile device and are willing to pay for it, look no further. It can even do basic controls for streamlabs and Twitch, besides full controls for OBS and system commands. How you set it up is almost completely open ended, which is good. Version 1.0.1: We pushed version 1.0.1 out. It has added hotkey support!We got a request to add a hotkey support to the application since some users do have keyboard in front of them but they still wanted to use the app and its advanced features, so now it's possible!Every item has a hotkey selection so you can just set it up and launch whatever features you want with it. Just make sure you don't put multiple buttons with the same hotkey. It's not supported and there's no error about it at the moment.. v1.0.18 with Keypress time: New version with a small addition to Keypress: you can now set it to press the keys selected and hold them pressed for a preselected time. You can also set the time to -1 and it'll wait for you to press the button again and then it'll release the buttons.Another user request done, what will we do next.... Open For Business, What's Next?: We are now open for business! Tokavuh Stream Control is available for purchase and you can grab it for yourself for immediate use. We are not sitting idly waiting for your patronage but are actively working on the product.Some things we have planned for the near future:Better manualVideos on how to do specific thingsUser interface enhancementsiOS app to the storeAndroid app enhancementsGet Streamlabs OBS support to alpha stageBacking up settingsImport/export for settingsThere are also many actual new features waiting to be implemented, but we want to focus on getting the main system running well, documentation up to par so it's easy to set up and use, and everything going smoothly before we tackle new things.We're open to all comments and welcome any feedback you might have. We appreciate every user and try to answer all questions you might have. We are a small company doing this because we love streamers and want to provide good tools to help everyone's work.. 1.0.3 out with Twitch chats!: We pushed 1.0.2 and also 1.0.3 out now. Added support for Twitch chat commands so now you can send messages from your pad. Also the most used commands are there as shortcuts for convenience. This is, once again, in testing so there may be issues. Please report any problems to us.Also noticed a silly bug: if you weren't connected to OBS Studio or Streamlabs OBS the mobile app didn't update your changes in realtime! That was bad of us to not notice it before. It's fixed.We are also waiting for Streamlabs to check if they allow us to link to their systems. We have already implemented empty jar, spin wheel etc functionality but cannot provide it to you without their approval.. v1.0.4 with Streamlabs OBS fixes: Seems the publishing to Steam broke Streamlabs OBS support somehow. We've now changed things around and this version should address this problem. So SLOBS connection should work just fine now. Sorry for not testing the Steam version thoroughly, we didn't expect it to be different from the version we test on development.If there are still issues, just send us a note and we'll check it out!. We're Live!: We are now live on Steam! Stream Control exists in the public! We are so excited about this!In about two weeks the product will be available for purchase due to Steam requiring a "Coming Soon" period. You can still spread the word and get all hyped up about a new era in stream control!We will be working on the application all the time enhancing it and adding features to make sure it's ready for the premiere. Yay!. v1.0.12 with Streamlabs events/jar/wheel support: We've added support for some Streamlabs features, like wheel, event pause/mute, and clearing jar. If there's any issues with these please let us know. You'll need to log in to Streamlabs from the settings cog and after that you can use the new actions.. v1.0.17 with new Keypress for better compatibility: Version 1.0.17 changes the way we handle the Keypress functionality. We got a report that it doesn't work with all games so we tweaked it and now it seems to work better. Do give it a try and let us know if there's any issues!We also added a bit more error reporting for possible typos in the {key} markings etc so that should help with possible error situations.Thanks once again for the reports and keep them coming!. v1.0.11 and Usability: We really like usable applications and very much know that there are some issues with our own products. Therefore we spent some time working on things and making one big pain point a lot smaller: connecting the mobile application to the PC.Previously you needed to know the IP address to connect but now we've added a discovery option. When you start the mobile app it'll automatically search for Stream Control running on PCs on the same network and you can just select the one you want and tap connect. So much better!The PC app is already up and the mobile apps will update in a moment when the app stores handle the submissions.We will focus on other areas of usability also as always, the added tooltips hopefully were already useful and informative, and we will add other things to help out also. All feedback is appreciated, as always!. v1.0.10 with a crash fix: Pushed out a fix for two random crashes, one in canceling a Pause and another in just editing buttons.New features coming out later!


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